I'll start with Friday night, little did I know I was still wearing my name tag when I was out with my friends, so my boyfriend nicked it and wore it and pretended to be me. Then on Saturday I went to see Eclipse with my friend Beth and we had a good moan about how Jacob’s better then Edward and that we should re-make the book. I also took some other pictures of people being motionless.
Euuuggghh that bus ride was terrible it smelt of hair remover and the bus driver thought I was 16 because I didn't look like my photo but after bending my knees a little and pushing the hair behind my ears he accepted my 40p and I sat next to a smelly old man (: what a good start to a Monday morning!
We then went to Yorkshire Art Apace (YAS) which gives artists’ studios to work in. Firstly we met Rachel Dodd who talked YAS and what they do. We saw ceramic work by Emily Tailor's who also gave us a talk. She has a little black scruffy dog called Roxy which cleaned my feet. Her work is interesting because it's based around Sheffield and they have meanings such as hoodies culture references and basically being a snob which are all on big pots, and she did individual drawings on little plates which I liked. We also met Charlotte the silversmith in her studio which is massive and smells of the DT rooms at school. She was making an interesting bowl for a competition to win £10,000!
After lunch break I Photoshopped some pictures for my part D of my arts award. We also met Ellie who showed us her work for her foundation course which was a mixture of stuff like photography and printing. After that I went out with my camera and took pictures for my D to edit in Photoshop....we got some really weird looks from people though, after getting two images from the same place; one of people looking natural and another with a 'dead' body with people looking at them like "what the hell?".
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