The gallery was great. It was set up just like a house and it felt so homely and comfortable .There was a kitchen and a living room full of his art work and this spread over two floors. We were greeted by a brolly bucket which was much needed as it was chucking it down outside and the staff and Pete were really nice and welcoming.
I took pictures of the work I liked (which was practically everything!) and I also took pictures of the tags that went with them. The prices seemed to be really high for prints (anything from £300-£2000) but it was really good art so I don't blame him. On the street when you can see it you are immediately drawn to it. A beautiful pastel turquoise with a McKee dog above the sign saying "A month of Sundays", it subliminally gives you an idea of what Pete's work is about. Check my interview out to hear with Peter had to tell me about his brilliant work:
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